Dark Desecent Artist Krypts Interview up now
1. FInland just has that Thick Dirgy sound when it comes to Death metal . Is it something in the water or does your surroundings really make bands from this nation all have a similar vibe?
I guess in many artforms Finland is known for its weird and melancholic atmosphere. When you think of the Finnish Death metal bands from the early 90s, most of them are different but share the oppressive/weird aura. Think it has to be a result of the culture, the environment and interest to push the art to the extremes.
2. I hear elements of Dusk (USA), Cereimonium , Immolation, Incantation and even bands like early Paradise Lost and My Dying Bride in you’re styles. Do you align you sound more with Death Metal or the world of Sinister Death Doom?
We have been influenced by both styles equally, and the core of our sound lies in the unity of those.
3. I know this is you’re 3rd album now do you feel the all tie together .Is there a common theme?
There is no deliberate themes that would expand through the albums. Each has taken inspiration from different sources, but naturally they share some like the futility of human experience/existence. It's a natural continuity between the releases.
4. Dark Descent as been home for a while what makes them such a special label and partner?
Definitely that it's very easy to work with them. They don't set unwanted demands and lets us do our thing, while giving the support when needed. They are dedicated and know what they're doing.
5. What is the Live experience like ? How does it differ from album?
On live there is oppressive atmosphere, wall of sound and more raw punkish energy. It's more straightforward than listening to the records. We like to get lost into the playing and let the music do the work, so it's not a rock 'n roll show, but we play Death Doom from the heart.
6. The vocals are so deep and other worldly one of the thing that drew me to band with those slower and very dark melodic / brutal musical arrangements. What bands brought you to this musical place?
We’ve taken our main influence from the Finnish Death metal from the early 90s. Bands like Demigod, Rippikoulu, Abhorrence etc. have been the biggest influence. We have also been highly influenced by the heaviness of many (Death) Doom bands, like Disembowelment, Winter and Reverend Bizarre.
7. The artwork for Cadaver Circulation ties in Occult, nature, death and paganism for sure. how does cover bring the albums story to life?
Not really sure about the Occult nor especially with paganism, but we commissioned the artwork based on the lyrics, music and ideas we sent to the artist T. Ketola. Then we gave him a free hand to paint the cover art. It really fits the atmosphere we were after, so it speaks the albums messages perfectly.
8.Image,Visuals and Presentation seem very important in 2019 . Does this expose a band as much as music to fans for 1st time or do you really feel good music and ideals are all that are needed ?
Visuals are/can be an important part of an album. We pay a lot of attention to the album arts, but everything beyond this goes out of the main focus of the band. If you plan to extend outside album arts everything needs to be done really well not to feel pretentious. If band has interesting visuals they do catch your eye, but in the end it’s the music that matters.
9. Digital media, press and promotion . I understand it can be daunting. Is it a blessing or curse for a band of your size in the extreme music world in 2019?
One of the good things about a label is that you don't have to pay much attention to these things.
10. The production on Cadaver Circulation is ugly, dirty and powerful while still being clear enough to hear and feel every note and vocals . How did this sound come to be in the studio ? was the theme writing 1st or was the music presented?
Like our every other release we recorded this in our rehearsal room. This was our third full-length recording, so we kinda know what we are doing already. Our drummer mixes and masters everything as well, and once again it required a burnout but he did a great work. Usually the theme and music come together while writing the material, but it depends really.
11. If you could make a proper video off any track on Cadaver Circulation which would it be and why?
We have no interest to make any music videos.
12. Lets say a large metal label like Century Media or Nuclear blast came and offered Multi album deal is this something Krypts would even want to entertain or is Dark Descent really the perfect home for a band that creates a more over the top underground sound?
Well we would turn any multi album offer down, as the intention is not to spawn albums because we have to. I don't really know what those labels could even offer us. Surely the press coverage would be bigger, but for this kind of music I really don't see the purpose for that either. Also working with down to earth and smaller label that is dedicated to this kind of sound makes things simpler, let alone you own the rights to your own music.
13. Do the members of Krypts have other projects the create in. If so tell us about them?
Our guitarist is the mastermind behind Devouring Star.
14. I have to ask Lovecraft as you are rather inspired what does he mean to the band?
Especially in the early days of the band the writings of Lovecraft served as a huge indirect influence to our music, lyrics and worldviews. Haven’t been reading his stuff in a while, but appreciate the work he has done.
15. You have had a few Guitarist over the years how has that changed or revamped the bands over all writing or song structures?
Not much really as most of the music is written by the drummer and vocalist. Our previous guitarist Jukka did write few tracks and gave interesting insights to the songwriting, so it did have an effect how we worked.
16. Krypts is going on 11 yrs now . What would say has kept the band going and making such powerful records?
The same urge to create Death Doom has been burning all these years.
17. Thank you for the time any closing thoughts here.
Cheers for the interview and support!