Inner Strength Records Artist Bungler Interview is up ..
1. Tell us about Bungler and the journey to 2017? I and my reader are very new to you Post Hardcore/Noise Rock glory.
We started touring in 2014, and since then we haven't stopped, at least it feels like that, haha. We've released an EP, 2 two-song promos/split, and we just released our first full length record The Nature Of Being New yesterday, courtesy of Innerstrength Records.
2. I hear bands like Kiss it Goodbye, Converge, Integrity, Oathbreaker, Jesus Lizard , Deadguy , Palmer and so many more.. Where did the idea to mix 90's Amprep Noise rock with Hardcore wall of concussive nightmares?
I really love Converge, so thanks you for that comparison! I wouldn't say we tried to blend any certain genres together, we just write what we think sounds cool, and write stuff we would want to hear as well.
3. So tell us about the Inner strength label. How did you come to work with them and how has the partnership been? ( What did you expect coming into it?)
The first time we met Jason, he had come to one of our shows on a tour we were doing with Yüth Forever. He talked to us about what we were looking to do, musically and tour wise, and it just hit off. We love being on a record label with a dude who is in it for the right reasons. He cares about the bands he works with so much, and it shows, and we're stoked that we could put out our first full length through Innerstrength.
4. What are live shows like for Bungler and how do they differ from the albums?
We really try and focus on our live show first and foremost. We grew up watching bands like Every Time I Die, The Chariot, and Madina Lake; so seeing those bands go as hard as they could, while still being tight as hell was very inspiring. While we record, we really try and focus on the structure and feel of the songs. We don't want to bullshit anything and make it disingenuous, so we really try and keep our recorded music as real as possible to us, while still being cohesive.
5. The cover is very unusual, how does it play in the theme of "The Nature of Being New”?
It 100% does. The whole album is lyrically dark, focused around struggles with self-worth, anxiety, and the state of everything around us. So the art with the covered eyes was us trying to say you need to turn your eyes back on yourself sometimes, and realize what is dragging you down. Coming face to face with the shit that makes every day hell and trying to make a part of yourself "new".
6. You must be familiar with bands on Deathwish Inc, Revelation Records, Translation Loss labels. If you could tour with any one band who would it be and why?
Converge because they fuckin' rule! And Deafheaven.
7. How has Digital media, Social Media and You Tube changed the way extreme indie music is promoted, sold and experienced? To you is there a good or bad thing?
It's a double-edged sword really. With more tools to promote, there is also less drive for people to buy physical, or even digital music. We grew up buying CDs, and now it seems like kids don't even bother buying physicals, unless it's a small batch vinyl or tape they can sell on Merchswap the next week for a profit.
8. Buffalo is an extreme area. I grew up in NYC and New England. Extreme weather, a very blue collar city in general . What is the current music scene like in that area?
It’s great! There are a lot of up and coming bands from here that will for sure take over, and obviously some very established bands that still love and appreciate Buffalo.
9. What song would you like to re-record and make a Bungler song? Why would you do it with this song?
California Dreamin' by MattyB Raps
10. What music and Books are impressing the 3 of you currently?
We just did a tour with Until We Are Ghosts, and their guitarist was reading a physics school book, so we learned a lot from that. As for music, the new Ghost Key album has been on repeat. That band will be huge, so check them out before you cool-guy them like an idiot.
11. Do the members of Bungler have other musical outlets if so let me know about them?
We have GarageBand on our phones and we use it avidly to make stupid shit all the time.
12. Do you ever think this kind of music could have mass appeal or is it just for those that seek it out?
In our sense, with our type of music, I don't think it could gain mass appeal like Ariana Grande or whatever. But I do feel like the hardcore/metalcore coming out now could reach mass alternative audiences for sure. People are opening up their minds to music that doesn't really have a single genre, so I think it can only go up from here.
13. In 5 words explain Bungler to someone that has never heard them?
Oily, Trash, Rust, Quick, Caring.
14. Thank you for the time. Any closing thoughts here?
Check out "The Nature Of Being New" on any streaming service, ITunes, Bandcamp, or THE BEST way to get it, come to a show and grab a physical copy! Rick and Morty is the best show ever, chips are a meal, and our friend Sauce's number is 716-861-9297