New Reviews April 11th 2009
ARCHGOAT - The Light-Devouring Darkness-CD (Moribund Cult)
Where to begin lo fi brutal black grind. This sounds like its coming from out of the earth to destroy all that is in their path. There are some groove like moments that come and go but for the most part Archgoat are fist up the ass of those that refuse to get out of there way to conquer all. The vocals are vomited and gurgled under a wave of blasting drums bass heavy guitar and low end bass rumbles. The early day of brutal death metal is what this reminds me of. Where the book wasn't written and bands could just come out and punch you in the face sonically and lyrically. Archgoat remind me most if you mix early Incantation with Winter and Napalm Death. Dirty , Raw, loud and Pissed off what other way can great metal be....
OLD WAINDS - Death Nord Kult-CD (Moribund Cult)
Remember when Black metal was actually something you felt was wrong when you listened to it. That the elder or authorities would come after you for this underground form of pure evil and illegal thoughts. Well with Old Wainds I get that feeling all over again. I much like when I heard Emperor, Mayhem, Graveland or "Fuck me Jesus" by Marduk. This has the old Scandivian feel even know these mad men are from the Russian front. Fast, Raw and Full of Hate!!! These are not the guitar tones and riffs that someone that has not been tormented for years. The vocals are from deep within angst and pain. The bass is a tone that just fills the release with a cold feeling and lets not forget the razor sharp percussive assault going on here. The Gods of old can hear the cry for the Pagan ways to be burned back in the world like they should have been 700 yrs ago. Moribund seems to find the bands that are the blackest of the black. Thank you for Old Wainds again....
IN MEMORIUM - Lost to Antiquity-CD (Moribund Cult)
This band is a bit near and dear to my heart as bands like IN MEMORIUM are what made me want to play more extreme music. I call this style or sound Black Doom. They have always reminded me of projects like Ancient Wisdom, Incantation, Dolorian bands that always cross the boundaries of many metal styles but in the end keep the slow Sludge Sound of Doom in there soul. There they would fit with bands like Eyehategod, Grief or Noothgrush but also would fit on a bill with Deicide or Morbid Angel. The pure brutal heaviness of a band like IN MEMORIUM is something few can achive. There Blackened spirit comes out a bit more on this then earlier release but it works well the blistering with the crushing riff of the slow doom... Let's hope its not another six yrs to get a masterpiece from In Memorium again.
RUINS - Cauldron-CD (Moribund Cult)
Ruins is a black metal style that is very familar to me and I think if you gave it a moment to listen you would hear it too. With Cauldron there is a huge love of all things Immortal. Especally " In the heart of winter" period but you need to add a but of Mid period Satyricon in to the picture to really see where Ruins is trying to come from. Hypnotic Ethereal Black Metal. Is what I would call this gem from the land of Oz. Ruins is epic in all they do the music, the sound of the release, the vocal contact. There is nothing done by chance here. Cauldron is a release that has many layers and styles all trying to come out at once. There is very much a strong love of the more melodic death metal sounds mixed with what I've come to call Post Black metal now. If this was 1999/2000 Ruins would be the Kings of the European extreme metal movement. Now they reviving an amazing lost sound from the frozen north .....
Fetid Zombie- Abort the Messiah-CD (Metal Hit)
Gutteral Gore metal in the very manner its meant to be made over the top vocals and words. Guitars and Drums going 15 different directions all at the same time in each song. This is a creation of Mark Riddick of the Riddick brothers fame. Fossil Dungeon Records, The Soil Bleeds Black all his artwork for many metal albums etc. The man has a major love of metal as well. This is very in the style of bands like Exhumed, Impaled etc. Though this is just an ep its one hell of a showing for an artist and project that even made me enjoy a style and sound that I normally just laugh at. There is a professional sound and feeling to what Mr Riddick is creating and it comes shining through. I look forward to the next release by Fetid Zombie.
LETHE-Mnemosyne-CD (Reptile Records)
So we have a new project from some members of Samothrace. Who in there own right at a great southern sludgy doom band. with Lethe the doom vibe is very much alive but take the vocals out of the picture and add a space rock vibe to it all. There is a band called Pelician they remind me a lot of with healthy doses of Mogwai and Isis my friends. This is the kind of release that touches the stoner realms but never fully falls into there clutches. Mnemosyne is a big open sounding release that really allows the guitars, bass and drums to breathe and play with many different textures in Rock, Metal and Blues tones. Lethe is one heavy as hell rock band in there own right and live must be amazing to see but don't take my word listen to this release and let it amaze you the same has it has done with me.
Brutal Truth- Evolution Through Revolution-CD (Relapse Records)
Fuck ya Bruth Truth is back. With Nuclear assault this is the best thing Dan Lilker has ever done and with no surprise " Evolution Through Revolution" is a ripping Grinding Death Post Hardcore release of majestic levels. If you like a whirlwind of spastic but controlled beats, Guitar/ Bass acrobatic and Kevin sharps perfect vocal timing on top just simply kick ass musicianship. Then Brutal Truth just get better and better with each release. If you didnt know they have been gone several years. I would just sound like at natural evolution . Hense the name I'm sure. People are using the word not call Post Metal well this is what Brutal Truth were doing 15 yrs ago. Nice to see the world catch up and now they have moved 2 steps ahead of that. With Evolution they have added some more Avant rock and Jazz movements . Now if only Human Remains would reunite the would would have 2 of the best bands of this style ever active again.
BIRDS OF PREY- The Hellpreacher-CD (Relapse Records)
Relapse has become an interesting force mixing a lot of hardcore and Punk elements into there roster over the last few years. Not so much the metal force they once were. With Birds of Prey In think the Death metal mind set is starting to come back though you have to mix a good amount of bands like Crowbar, Cromags and Leeway in for good measure here. There a moments I feel like I'm listening to 90's NYC Metalcore bands then they going into Pantera like moments and before I can turn around they sound like Carcass. I going to have to relive there older material and see if this is new sounds or if Birds of Prey have always had so many elements in there base roster. I think the Hardcore throaty vocals work well with the Doomy Death rock sound they have a good amount of the time. Very interesting project to say the least.
Tombs- Winterhours-CD (Relapse Records)
Tombs are one of those bands that are going to get that Post Metal tag just because of the textures and sounds the band creates. Tombs seems to have grown up listening to bands like Emperor, Neurosis, Voivod , Soundgarden and Radiohead and they incorp all the following bands is to thick and dirgy yet hypnotic sound that is as bombastic as it is touching and hopeful. There are Guttural, Screamo, Sung and Chanted vocal movements. They at time sound like Neurosis " Through Silver in Blood" period a bit to much but this is were you can see why Relapse loves these guys. If you give Tombs some time to grow and breathe this will be a band that will take the world by storm as you can hear all the tools here are in the making and ready to go on all cyclinders.
Misery- Fifteen Years Of Aggression-CD (Self released)
NYC Metalcore unit Misery is just at a bit late in a sound that was perfected by Propain and Madball in 2000-2001. Fifteen years od Aggression is just what you would expect from a seasoned band of this caliber. The songs are well done and presented . The production for me is a bit too muddy and the vocals have way to much compression on them as do the drums. Misery would have been one of those kick ass CBGB's Hardcore Matinee bands back in the day. Were the pits would get all nuts and sick. I'm glad to see a band like this get some success after 10 plus yrs of struggle but with an album like this there just going to get lost in the shuffle. I know Misery can step it up and make a release 100 times more original and powerful. Just need the right element to do so....
Funeral Mist - Maranatha-CD ( Ajna Offensive)
It seems people just don't get Funeral Mist and what they are trying to do. This is Black metal for better or worse . It is what it is. Over the top, Anti religious, Anti Humanity, Pro destruction. Funeral Mist also have the originality to add Doom, Gregorian, Avant and Industrial elements into their sound to make it all the more interesting of a listen. It's seems with this release Arioch has taken full control of the project and where I think he is very hit or miss with Marduk. Funeral Mist is his perfect outlet to shine. The background noise that is kept on purpose is even cool to me. This isn't about perfection or absolutes. The world is a sick, dirty imperfect place and Funeral Mist make it all the more know with releases like this. Thank you again Ajna for getting the best of European extreme underground and giving it a home in North America.
TEITANBLOOD- Seven Chalices-CD (Ajna Offensive)
Wow a cluster fuck of Blackened Doom/Death sounds as times its slow and sludge and then the next moment its going at 300 mph. Teitanblood also has Neoclassic / Industrial moments and then goes it full raw feedbacked Black metal. Teitanblood was born just to fuck with our ears and mind and I feel there going to smile if they ever see this review. The vocals are reverbs to the outerlimits of space and work so well with the over all full black noise sound. They really get into there own element when its more a mid tempo rumble of guitars, bass, Raw razor cut throat vocals and the drums have a groove to them. I will 100% say when the are 300 mph its a trip I would not want to miss either. I'm going to end this review with the following statement. On the last day of the Earth's exsistance Teitanblood will still be fucking with mother nature and the Gods above and I would want it no other way....

Axis Power- Marching towards Destruction-CD (Pulverised Records)
Thrashing Battle Metal. This is what Axis Power is. The war machine of death metal has a new follower. Are you fans of Bolt Thrower, Lair of the Minotaur, Marduk this will be a fantastic addition to your metal collection. I sounds like a divison of tanks are coming in for the kill. The vocals are very effected and in the front like a leader commanding his troop to end the conflict at once. There is also a very Slayer Bay area Thrash Punk vibe going on " Marching towards Destruction" that gives it a very familar feel to it all. Pulverised has become one of the better metal label of the last year or two. So with them behind Axis Power you should hear a lot more from them in the future. Gotta love the very snappy Bass sound that cuts through it all like a low end blender on crush!!!! Get this or miss out.
Vanmakt - Ad Luciferi Regnum-CD (Pulverised Records)
Symphonic black metal very much in the style of bands like Dimmu Borgir, Sothis & Vesperian Sorrow. If you like your Black metal with choirs, Orchestral with layered guitars and click track drums and the production the size of a football field then Vanmakt is going to make you weep as for the style they play which is been done many times before they are brilliant at it. The arrangements are top notch and the songs ebb and flow majestically. The Atmosphere and Grim vocals work so well with so much going on with each track. Metal seems to be taking an underground turn again and for one I like it. This was never suppose to be the in style or sound. Your meant to be drawn to metal and if your not then our paths differ and this is what make it all the more special. Vanmakt nice work indeed.
Assaulter - Salvation Like Destruction-CD (Pulverised Records)
What the fuck I mean its ok to be influenced by bands but this sounds like a Kreator/Sodom Cover bands. Every track is just a mix of the two bands. Why even bother??? maybe I'm missing something here. Retro is one thing but ripping off the vocal and guitar sounds of another band is very much another. I think I'm actually getting pissed off the more I listen to this full on stealing of riffs right down to the and idea's and sloppy drum playing of kreator at times I'm done with this.
Burial Hordes - Devotion to Unholy Creed-CD (Pulverised Records)
Ah there we go Pulverised is back true to form with Raw Black Thrashing sounds of Burial Hordes. This all could want in old school true black metal. A wall of fucking bleak sounds, vocals vomiting from the throat of a person with some much anger its almost un-natural. The thin and treble high end guitars. The drummer which you can hear but there maybe one mic on the full kit to give it the live demo recording feeling to it. Burial Hordes has all the elements of the great Polish and Black metal legends of Norway and Sweden. I love the retro thrash moments too and what sounds like a two dollar casio keyboard to give it the horror movie synth sounds. If you like bands like Krieg, Xasthur, Draugar etc this is a must own....