New Reviews 4/18/2009

Wolfskin - O Ajuntar das Sombras-CD (Malignant Records)
Over the year Dark Ambient music has ebb and flowed in the industrial music scene. I got my 1st love of it from the 90's Cold Meat Industries, Dark Vinyl and Cold Spring releases. Wolfskin to me brings back that ethereal Dark ambient sound I miss where bands like Schloss Tegal, Sleep Research Facilities, Raison D Etre, Arceibo had shown me what the sounds if you where all alone in space would really be like. Wolkskin has the icey desolationist element and builds to a sonic drifing climax in an almost post industrial/ Field Recording level. O Ajuntar never becomes noise but it does come close from time to time. These tracks can be down right frightening at places. Like all good Dark Ambient music should there is a ritualistic side that adds vocal and percussive elements in a very Endvra sound and it works for Wolfskin. Malignant has brought back a classic style that is far to rare these days.
Terra Sancta - Disintegration-CD (Malignant Records)
Terra Sancta was very much in the Dark Ambient/Neoclassic vein of bands like Arcana, Sanctum, Protagonist etc but with Disintegration i feel a much more sinster and dark industrial feeling coming on the occult and haunting element add layers to the drones, dissident tones. There are spoke vocal passages in the distance and the drones and layers of sound are building to a noisy fevered pitch. The track are four very lengthy one at in point become full on noise which is a major departure for the last Terra Sancta some 4 years ago. Over all this seems to be a much more angry and aggressive release then in past movement. The low tones make the release rumble with rituals of the forbidden black arts. I really feel this has more in common with projects like Crepuscule and KEROVNIAN. Terra Sancta are a stellar band that live high above the avg and normal post industrial landscape. Disintergration is a must own...
Phragments - Earth Shall Not Cover Their Blood-CD (Malignant Records)
The sorrow felt in Phragments is those of legends. There is a Tribal Eastern Industrial sound to this all its own mixed with heavy neo classic arrangments with horns, strings and woodwinds playing the orchestral lead. To this review " Earth shall not cover there blood" is the continuation of Sanctum's Lupus in Fabula release esp the way the string, horn, drums and drones all work into a blitz of passionate sounds and artwork. I want an army of Dancers, Acrobats, Jugglers, Jesters entertaining the Emperor and his court. I swear if there is even a part of you that is still human in these days of struggle and strife you will hear the emotion and master craftmanship that is created with each and every delicate and bombastic moment. The vocals when the come in are like a hellfire of commanding statement that must be listened too and respected if not feared. Bravo Malignant for getting this release out to the underground fans that will adore and worship a release of this level of talent...
Negru Voda - Våld de Luxe Promo Appetizer-CD (Malignant Records)
A few years back I would have called this elecro industrial trash and told you to get this the hell off my review table. Though as I have expanded my tastes and the older I get I see the magic in releases like this even though its a one CD promo sampler of an upcoming 3 CD release by Negru Voda. The dark electro rhythms mixed with electronic drones and digital glitches and odd vocal samples effected and warp make this remix of older tracks all the more interesting. If you could mix Converter with Conure and a bit of beefcake all into a major Ant Zen/ Metropolis field day but keep the dark heart of the industrial of cold like EN and TG. I know it seems crazy but it work so well. From what I'm reading this is limited to 100 copies so I makes be feel all the more special Jason @ malignant sent me a copy to review. Long live Negru Voda your making me like electronic beat driven industrial all the more now.
Celan - halo-CD ( Exile on Mainstream)
Wow this not what I expected from the 1st minute of the release it started off as an electro industrial track and now we have an industrial/ Post metal release that reminds me more of Thought Industry , Screw, Fear Factory or even Neurosis. Celan is full on blast of Metallic fury. The vocals and guitars are in that Neurosis vien but the other elements are very Industrial in sound esp the bass and brutal and simple drumming . There are some very powerful synth and electro element in the background of this release that even remind me of Cop shoot Cop and Voivod at time who both helped make electronic / industrial sounds make there way into a very hardcore/ metal scene. Celan is not the parts of the whole but a whole lot of parts that make a very worthy listen. Check it out you won't be dissapointed .
The Human Quena Orchestra-- The Politics of the Irredeemable-CD (Crucial Blast)
Are you a fan of bands like Halo, Godflesh, Early Pitchshiter, Khanate, Earth, SunnO)) Swans, Phobos etc then The Human Quena Orchestra is your mountian of Pain and destruction. If you put me in a corner and forced me to describe this I would have to call it Blackened Industrial Drone. The beats and music/ tones are so slow and pissed off its just simply vile the way concussion on sounds are created. There is a bit of Unearthly Trance in this monster as well. The vocals are just cries of torment and agony inbetween the wall of sonic nightmares that wave through out the cosmos on there one mission destroy all that are in its path. This is not an easy journey of a release for many of you but if you like your sounds as mentioned above this is a release not to miss.