New Reviews 4/25/2009
Voivod-Infini-CD (Relapse Records)
What can really be said about a band that invent what we call Post Metal with there futurist fuzz and phased out guitar and bass tones. Snake with one of most intense cabaret snarls for a voice ever. You know its Snake at the mic in 30 seconds. Away's drumming is technical, prog, punk and metal all at the same time. Both Blacky and Newsted have added the low end freak out to make the band have the thick and vibrant tone that is always with voivod the chainsaw bass sound as I call it . With Infini there is a more rock in rock meets punk element to the sci metal sound but it makes it no less Voivod. It a cross between Nothingface and Angelrat to this listener and when I 1st heard the angelrat direction many years ago I hated it but as time has changed my tastes and thoughts with age I can see how ahead they were with there tones and sounds then and could not accept it was all. I say this with all do respect. Voivod are The Doors of the modern age. They are Poets and Artist on levels few others can say. The music and lyrics always move and inspire there listeners and take use to new realms of sonic landscapes. It's very very sad that this will the final release ever as Piggy is no more with us and this is the 2nd and last piece of the puzzle to complete the journey of one of the greatest band ever. Piggy I hope your smiling over the other boys and saying see you in the future so we can rock the heavens even harder in phase 3 of the band...
Coalesce- Ox-CD (Relapse Records)
Coalesce are the reason that labels like Conspiracy, Hydra Head and even Victory could be come the forces they are today Coalese with Neurosis and Converge help forge the Post hardcore/ Jazzcore , Post rock movements. Coalesce has mix the hardcore, Jazzy, Blues, Metallic and Electronic elements in to there music from an early age. They are just a band that had a lot of bad breaks with labels that didn't know how to feed there sound and style to the proper fans so they always got left in the dark unless you were in the know. Maybe with Relapse behind them now having such sucess with D.E.P , Mastodon , Today is the day and Don Cabarello's we can finally see this band in the main stages of shows and events. With Ox Coalesce are in top form and ready to give the world the kick in its ass to jump start a very safe and emo friendly heavy rock scene. As I was saying before Ox comes from all directions Pain, Beauty, Serenity, Darkness, Nightmares and Delicate movements. When Coalesce just mix all the madness in to a single track this when the real mastery shines for them. Hardcore is not a dirty work. I don't know why it ever became so. Coalesce at essence is a Avant Hardcore band with the creativity to expand on the sound the have dominated in over the last 10 plus years...

Bloodsoaked - Sadistic Deeds... Grotesque Memories-CD (Comatose Music)
I'm not going to lie or hide this in anyway Peter and I worked together and became good friends and we both have a love of good Death metal christ he and I saw the Carcass reunion together in Raleigh NC. With this said Bloodsoaked are one of the most kick ass Death metal forces in North America right now and you know what its a one man project recording and Live. Yes he had someone on this release help him track and clean up the drums to sound even more brutal and sick then ever. Peter does the Guitar,Bass and Vocals on the CD and live it his just Peter on the stage with a guitar and backing drum tracks. I'm telling you know If you like late 80's early 90's Earache, Roadrunner & Nuke Blast styled death metal then you will be on your knee's after just the 1st track. There is a strong love on Obituary and Peter and I have had hour long talks about the subject so much that he did a cover of "Gates to Hell". There is a Slow Death metal almost Doom element like Incantation and Winter at times on this release that wasn't there before. There is a harmony and grim melody about the album as a whole to. For Death metal this is accessible if that makes any sense? The vocals are so low and gutteral too but you can hear the vocals so clearly the production is 100% more intense then the debut as well. Let not leave out the very cool video for " Rotting in Filth" as a bonus on the CD. Bloodsoaked makes my 36 yr old ass want to go into the pit again. Comatose is doing a full marketing campagin on this release so Blooksoaked maybe a band with a major bright future. Its about time for Peter he's a talent in this scene you never forget it. The Stand out tracks to me are Existence Denied and My own God ( which should be the next video and track pushed to the media its Death metal perfection!!!)

Malebolgia- Degrading Succession-CD (Comatose Music)
Comatose sent me a full pack a few Cds to review with Bloodsoaked CD and you know what Malebolgia is a sick as hell grind/ death metal monster all in its own. The album starts off at 1000 miles per hour with blistering drums, bass, guitars and vocals that vomit forth at a will of its one. The techinical side of this band is spot on as well. The stop start moments are all there. There is a brutality and hatred here that you don't really hear in a lot of death metal in the 21st century. Reminds me that Death metal can still kick you in the teeth and not give a fuck about doing so. The guitar tones are so full and dissident at time. I love the avant moments some of the middle and later tracks add to the release as whole. Malebolgia are helping the demons in my head have a place to let there aggression out so I thank them greatly for this. Degrading Succession just doesnt stop it comes at you at all cyclinders on every track. Comatose is what I thought labels like Repulse or Necropolis were going to become but seem to come short and faded away. I would say for Death metal Comatose is becoming what Moribund has for Black metal in the US. Very good work indeed here.

Blasphemer-On the Inexistence of God-CD (Comatose music)
See I knew this was going to happen 3rd time is not a charm. This is the kind of extreme metal I hear that is just too processed and tracked were it sounds like every other ultra brutal death/grind/ blast unit. The gurgle vocal just drive me away from it the ultra thin and tinny guitar and bass lines the drums that are just one bit click track fest. I mean the vocals could just be growling and not saying a word. sorry but this does nothing for me pass....
Slough Feg- Ape Uprising-CD ( Cruz Del Sur)
HELL YES Slough Feg are back to make my metal listens a better vision of what I remember great classic metal bands to sound like . Again this time around Slough Feg add the Doom elements to there sound to kick it up a whole other notch. If you love bands like Dio, Heaven and Hell, Judas Priest, St Vitus and Down then this is a band to make one of your top ten of all time. The sheer balls out heaviness and talent here is off the chart. Mike's vocals just make me want to raise the horns as high as one ever can. The back beat and rythmn of the drums and bass just make the soaring guitar leads and harmonies all the better to listen too. I really shokc that Slough Feg haven't been offered a major label release as they are what the rock world needs to shake out of the Emo and pop rock hum drums its currently it. Any heavy rock or metal fan could love an album of this high quality. I feel the Monster magnet and Kyuss in them at times too just screaming to come out . They should really let loose on this side more as well. Ape Uprising is just a stellar album in a long line of great releases. Cruz Del Sur has a masterpiece in the making here again.
Crescent Shield- The Stars of Never Seen-CD (Cruz Del Sur)
I know I gave much praise to the last Crescent Shield but with The Stars of Never Seen you need to step it up even more as the Melodic and Song structure is even better now. All I can hear is the Beast elements of Iced Earth, Warrel Dane/ Nevermore and Guns N Roses all mixed in to one unit that if given the change could top the rock world . Michael Grants vocals are just that Warrel Danes meets Matt Barlow in every form imagined. I never thought of mixing melodic hard rock and power metal into one fusion but Crescent Shield has done it to a majestic form. I love the heavy thumping bass mixed with the melodic and metallic guitars twisting an melding the aural magic. The drums are so tastefully done and never over place they lock in the tempo and then when needed take it out to the extreme metallic blitz that is needed. There is a bit of a Prog Metal element that I can hear in a symphonic x way but they are never a prog metal band. Just add the tastes to the music to add another enjoyable twust and turn. Crescent Shield this is what Metal music is suppose to sound like thank you...
Hull- Sole Lord-CD (The End Records)
Let's be honest Hull has a huge worship for all things Dead horse , Neurosis and Mastodon those band to me are the biggest sounds I hear coming across in the 1st track I have heard from this band. There is so much going on here as well were the tones and feelings that come from Hull are as true as any band could be. They straddle the world of Post Rock and Post Hardcore something Bands like Pelican and Isis has been doing for a while too. The vocals are just so very in the " Through Silver in Blood " vibe when the brutal growls come through. If you even know who Russian Circles or Explode the Sky are these are were the bass heavy deep toned post rock sounds come from. Hull is the kind of band I just love and any band that has that Mastodon/ Neurosis/ Dead horse vibe about them wins me over . Its not changing much Sole Lord is just a very well done release and for fans of these styles Hull will have a powerful future. At times I swear Mike Hagga from Dead horse is doing the guitar and vocal parts maybe I'm just nuts. This band fits very well with Goes Cube, Sleepy Time Gorilla Museum, Made out of babes side of The Ends Roster. Hull has found a strong home . I look forward to hearing more.