Triple Play of Reviews 10/14/2013
The Nearly Deads- Survival guide-CD/ Digital ( Stand by)
So you want a catchy as hell heavy indie rock album fronted by a female voice as lovely as she is then this is it. Theresa's vocals are very similar to Paramore meets Kelly Clarkson in the power and range. The music is Metalcore meets Indie rock and man do they have an infectious hook going through out the album. The Nearly Deads are Part Paramore, Fall out Boy and My Chemical romance and those 3 bands are to follow in their footsteps... I really didn't want to like this as much as I do . Sorry folks when you hear good music its just that. This band has a bright future. With all the crap in the mainstream this is a breathe of fresh air and I can not wait to hear more and to close it all out there into Horror and Zombies WIN WIN WIN!!!!!!
Cleanteeth- Pushing Rope- CD/ Digital ( Dullest )
Sludge Crusty Doom filled with Noise and Feedback wall to wall this is any ass kicking releases. For fans of bands like Early Swans, Early Pitchshifter, Jesu, My Bloody Valentine, Surgery and Noothgrush... THis Brooklyn band of total bad asses have just floored for with a release. Thats funny and they sound like the Fl Sludge / Dirge core band Floor as well.. Pushing Rope is as harmonic as pissed off. The riffs are just massive hear and the bass lines make you want to start a fight . The vocals are just this side of insanity and this guys vocals must blood at the end of every set. Live Clean teeth must be one of those bands that just leave you drains and empty of all rage. This is a band on a Sunday at CBGB's would have become the thing of legends... This band will haunt you with how good they are. Southern Lord, Relapse or Season of Mist you need to sign this band and let the world know your still on the cutting edge as they will take your labels to another place and create the die hard long term fans that a band like Cleenteeth just does by being themselves......
For Goatserpent -DCD/ Digital ( Crucial Blast)
So what for a moment is you mixed Bastard Noise, Judas Iscariot, Early Krieg and Stalaggh into one project that is so raw and noise filled its just madness created for the purpose to piss those off that are not in the know . Crucial Blast has a band that is by far one of the most extreme in both Black metal and noise that I have ever heard. Even their name is over the top . This is what happens when everything goes wrong at the same time in a demo studio and you find the brilliance in the chaos and nightmares that you have been presented. Enbilulugugal is anti music 100% and if they ever changed I would be so disappointed that I think the aural landscape would never bee the same for me. This is for an ultra limited crowd but for those of us in this group sonic destruction awaits!!!!!
Wrong- Memories of Sorrow- CD/ Digital ( Aphelion productions)
This set of reviews are some of the most odd releases I've heard in long time with Wrong its like if Black metal, Coldwave, Progressive rock and broken electronics were all melded in to some kind of hypnotic freezing melody where sorrow and sadness play the only roles in emotion. Wrong is Suicidal Dark Metal in the same way bands like Happy Days, Shining or Bethlehem created it in the past just with a modern telling on it. Most listener this will be just do much to even begin to want to explore . You have to have issues to begin with to enjoy sounds like this or have had a horrible loss in you life to allow you to understand true tragedy. The Pianos are just terrifying in the way they are minimally presented on the album. If you like your Black metal slower and twisted with that just off key sound then you have another album you must pick up ...
Inferno- Omniabsence Filled By His
Greatness-CD/ Digital ( Agonia)
Post Black metal with a low end melody that just chills you to the bone. This is what orchestral music in hell would sound like as it sounds like you were buried alive and this is the madness you must endure for eternity.. The vocals are buried in the mix as well it reminds me of bands like Limbonic art or Inquisition. The waves and loops of sound that come from this are spacial and occult all at the same time. The battle cry against humanity is in each and every note of Inferno. There really isn't much more to say then even with your best prayers this band will not show you any kind of mercy as you don't deserve it....
Kongh- Counting Heart beats- CD/ Digital ( Agonia )
Where it all started this is Kongh debut reissued to the world and you can clearly hear the majestic Doom that is going on here. Slow and Numbing guitar lines the rumbles and echoes of a rhythm section just worshiping bands like Cathedral, Eyehategod, Disembowelment, Black Sabbath and Early Anathema... Kongh is more Sludgy Doom with a Death metal worship. Did you like Incantation or Cianide this is the doom your getting . There is a hatred here you just don't get with many bands. Where its not raw its slow and time consuming . They want you to know that you pissed them off and the torment will last a life time. Kongh is just a band once you hear them you will never forget. Agonia great work getting this album out to a wider audience as its something that is needed to be heard...