13 New Reviews August 3rd 2013

Jumalan Kosto-CD /Digital (Ektro Records)
Post Punk was very odd and creepy to say the least . They
experimented with Dissident tones , Odd arrangements and what I would
call No wave/ Cold wave sounds before they became such. This Finnish
unit did this and more they have alot in common with bands like Alien Sex Fiend, Bauhaus, Clash, Gang of Four and Mission of Burma. Ektro find the bands that has been lost to us and we all should have heard and Hexenhaus is no different. This release is a collection of the music and artistry of a band that was way ahead of there time were punk and crust bands in the 90's used a lot of what Hexenhaus did and called it there own. I would very much recommend this band is avant Punk and Art noise is your thing. This is were bands like Sonic Youth, Pixies and Nirvana all came from . We must listen to the past to get new Ideals for the future..
Beyond- Fatal Power of Death- LP ( Iron Bonehead Productions)
Blistering Death Metal with Thrash and Black metal elements. At time they remind me of bands like Celtic Frost and Coroner and other moments there are full on Dark Funeral and Marduk movements going on here and then at the root of it all is elements of early slayer and sodom as they are a pissed off Thrash metal band at the root of all this evil. When all is said and done this is one hell of a massive metal release even the productions has the very bass and prog heavy production of the late 80's early 90's that whole Earache, Combat and R/C records vibe you know it you will never forget it. Beyond you bring back the M into Metal for me and for that I thank you.

Manegarm- Legions of the North-CD/ Digital (Napalm Records)
I'm not going to pull any punches here at all Epic Viking/ Black metal is something I love more then life itself and with Manegarm they have never disappointed me once and with Legions of the North they have succeeded in Aural brilliance once more. Manegarm mix elements of Thyrfing, Vintersorg, Einherjer and Suidaktra just to name a few. There are some stellar folk metal ideas that come through out the release as well but its the full one power and passion of the Pagan/ Heathen doctrine that comes through in bands like Manegarm that will always keep me coming back. I know sometimes this will sound to Northern European to some but this unit of Swedes are just what the doctor ordered. Raise the Ale horn to Wotan and thank him for live, wealth and a great harvest....

Gris- A lAme Enflammee IAme Constellee-CD / Digital (Sepulchral Records)
Avant Folksy Ethereal Post Black metal 5 yrs in the making since their last release are you fan of Alcest or Velvet Cacoon mixed with parts of Profanum . You can also hear elements of Tenhi and Dorenreich in the majestic of what is being created here. Neoclassical, Ambient, Orchestral Post Black metal that is as beautiful as haunting and bleak to listen to. Gris is a heartbreaking release in the talent and creativity going on there. There are many very post rock elements going on here as well. Gris takes you by surprise and never lets you go. The Melodies are down right hypnotic in the way they are arranged into the creation of the release. The voice is that of pure torment and madness and with each line it sounds like that are one more step closer to the after life. Lush String arrangements and acoustics at time remind me of bands like Anathema and Devil Doll . Gris is all over the musical spectrum but this is what makes a release like this so special you need to hear it to full understand.

Wound- Inhale the Void-CD/Digital ( FDA Rekotz)
Well well well someone really likes Gothenburg metal as in sounds like At the gates and Dismember as if I was to say anything this band is Melodic Death metal with a very heavy Blackened tone similar to bands even like Dissection. Bring on the Death metal war machine and you have a new division in the name of Wound. Oh I can see the circle pit of camouflaged warriors awaiting there next command. Another element of Wound is that full on heavy bass ultra low tuning that makes this almost in line with bands like Bolt thrower and Panzerchrist but the tempo is a bit to fast. Wound also has an atmosphere about them that add a bit of that Doom sound in as well but as we speak the Gothenburg sound is in full effect here.
Avant Folksy Ethereal Post Black metal 5 yrs in the making since their last release are you fan of Alcest or Velvet Cacoon mixed with parts of Profanum . You can also hear elements of Tenhi and Dorenreich in the majestic of what is being created here. Neoclassical, Ambient, Orchestral Post Black metal that is as beautiful as haunting and bleak to listen to. Gris is a heartbreaking release in the talent and creativity going on there. There are many very post rock elements going on here as well. Gris takes you by surprise and never lets you go. The Melodies are down right hypnotic in the way they are arranged into the creation of the release. The voice is that of pure torment and madness and with each line it sounds like that are one more step closer to the after life. Lush String arrangements and acoustics at time remind me of bands like Anathema and Devil Doll . Gris is all over the musical spectrum but this is what makes a release like this so special you need to hear it to full understand.
Wound- Inhale the Void-CD/Digital ( FDA Rekotz)
Well well well someone really likes Gothenburg metal as in sounds like At the gates and Dismember as if I was to say anything this band is Melodic Death metal with a very heavy Blackened tone similar to bands even like Dissection. Bring on the Death metal war machine and you have a new division in the name of Wound. Oh I can see the circle pit of camouflaged warriors awaiting there next command. Another element of Wound is that full on heavy bass ultra low tuning that makes this almost in line with bands like Bolt thrower and Panzerchrist but the tempo is a bit to fast. Wound also has an atmosphere about them that add a bit of that Doom sound in as well but as we speak the Gothenburg sound is in full effect here.

Black Tusk- Tend No Wounds-CD/ Digital ( Relapse)
Bluesy Sludge/ Doom metal from the bowels of the very hard of that Crusty Punk realm. If you like bands like Mastadon, Kylesa, Melvins, Cavity and Weedeater then this is your new home. The groove is strong with this unit but the noise, feedback and just full on sonic wall of low end fury is what makes me fall in love with Black Tusk. They could just as easy be on Southern Lord or Hydrahead with the sounds that were being created here. Let the Volume knob and riff do the speaking as with Black Tusk just worship in the rock that comes forth!!!!!

Raving Season- Amnio- CD/ Digital ( My Kingdom Music)
So what if you could have the crushing doom of a band like Morgion and mix it with the ethnic atmospheric neo classic of bands like 3rd and the Mortal all with a mix of bands like like The Gathering and Dolorian thrown in for good measure well you would have Raving Season. An almost un genre defining band in presentation and just pure musical interludes. At time if Savatage was a Doom metal band I swear they would sound like this. There are times Raving Season sound like Paradise Lost, Orphaned Land and Atrox as well. Even I read the operatic elements going on here. I at a loss for words for them all I can really say is they are a must listen and if you do not do so a small piece of you will never been complete.
Eibon- II- CD (Aesthetic Death)
So you like the Nola sound mix with the Socal Crust/ Sludge elements then Eibon is just that you have to have a love for bands like Eyehategod, Khanate, Cavity, Noothgrush, Grief, Buzzoven etc if you like your music slow, noise and full of feedback and droning madness then Eibon is going to win you over from moment one. This is fucking doom the way you want it at the end of days at the time when the zombies raise from the graves to take mankind to the brink of extinction. Oh how I love the syrup like slowness of the Doom riff and the full of feedback by what we all know as sludgecore music. Eibon is just 2 track or over an hour of blissful crushing metal music and I can ask for no more !!!!
Section 37- Legion-CD ( Aesthetic Death)
Old School Industrial with heavy electronic movements almost like the dark synth pop moments of bands like Front242 and Nitzer ebb. Legion is a more expressive release then the last album . I don't see it darker . Section 37 expands its sound to more layers and levels of the term industrial. I hear wax trax elements as well as the Nebuten, Skinny Puppy and 70's/ 80's Industrial records sound. If you like bands like Sleep Chamber as well you will very much hear this in Sect 37 as they are called now. Legion reminds me of the tape manipulations and loops of bands like Throbbing Gristle, Psychic Tv or Cabaret Voltaire. The UK industrial sound is just that and Sect 37 is keeping this alive while updating and innovating. I would say that at time we hear classical, arrangement and some more modern beat driven EBM material . As I say with several artists this is not something every one will like or understand but understand there is massive creativity and talent here with a release like Legion. You will even hear Ethno Ambient elements with this release similar to artist like Rapoon. You need to come at this with an open mind and you will be at least impressed and really can you ask for more?
The Nihilistic Front- Procession to Annihilation-CD ( Aesthetic Death)
Industrial Doom/Death is what is going on and whats going on is just down right brilliant. If you are into the sounds of Machines causing mayhem and guitars and vocals tormented to the point of human ability then kneel in front of this altar. The bands that come to mind when I hear The Nihilistic Front are ( Halo, Disembowelment, Esoteric, Godflesh , Early Pitch shifter, P.h.o.b.o.s and Author & Punshier ). The Drum machine element mixed with the Drone Doom Guitar and Bass and the vocals that are soaked in reverb just make for a release that makes my blackened soul tingle. There are even times I can hear the love of bands like Early Fear Factory and Swans going on. If you like Doom this is a release you need to get ASAP as it will change your very thoughts on music. T.N.F have a love for things black metal too but in a more subtle way. I hear Incantation as well as I pick out the layers. This band deserves a much bigger push and promotion to the world so very proud its Aesthetic Death that has done so..
The Vomit Arsonist- An Occasion For Death- CD/ Digital ( Malignant )
There are few Death Industrial bands that really make me say I would have never thought of making an album like this and it still becoming some Doom filled and bleak well Andy you have just kicked my ass with An Occasion for Death. The Industrial suffocation element is fully here. This album is so dense these is no more room for any kind of sounds or layers. If you tried to do so it would created a musical black hole and would suck all sound straight through it. Over the course of seven tracks every possible nightmare and fear have come through my mind and I'm actually more unsettled them when I started listening to The Vomit Arsonist. This kind of release reminds me of The Death Factory releases that CMI did . There is a complete sickness and lack of certain mindsets when one creates such a hopeless landscape but makes it so Goddamn impossible not to listen to over and over again. Slogun, In Slaughter Natives, MZ412 and Brighter Death Now all come to mind when listening to this over and over again. There are few albums of late that can change the landscape of Extreme Industrial sound and this is one of them.
Phragments- New Kings and New Queens-CD/ Digital ( Malignant )
So the words Occult or Ritualistic are used often in Dark Ambient music as they are at time a way to portray a feel or ideal that is being created with Phragments you have just want is going on Grey tones and Minimalist Symphonic Ambiance all under an Occultist backdrop. Calling Phragments Dark ambient is really limiting what a project like this truly is. We have a massive expression in sound, hearing, wave forms and visual movements in aural creation. What is most impressive about Phragments is the sound works going on are massive with so very little going on. It really is between the sounds that are more terrifying then the sometimes the bombastic layers that are looping through out the album. The Distant feeling that New Kings and New Queens lays out is quite an approach as well. Phragments is a project you can really immerse yourself into and let it take you to different levels of thought. Another Fantastic releases by Malignant
Aderlating- Gospel of the burning idol- CD/ Digital ( Malignant Antibodies)
So if its possible to say I would call Aderlating project under the following terms... Black Martial Industrial. As what I hear from this Side project of Gnaw their tongues is just that elements of Projects like Valefor, Schloss Tegal, Vondur, Funerary call and Nordvargr. The vocals are full on Black metal in sound and style mix with that Ethno Industrial noise style and the ritualistic chants and choir like sound effects with the beating martial percussion element is just a frenzy of amazing to this reviewer. There is no way to over talk about this release as Aderlating is an expression into the darkest sides of industrial and electronic music period. Most track take you to a fevered pitch and make you relive it again and again track by track. If new Cults are formed by music and albums like this I will not be surprised one bit. Gospel of the burning idol is music for the modern end times...