Towards Global Holocaust Interview

1. how did Towards Global Holocaust come to be.

B. – TGH was born out of the ashes of a collusion between myself and RF in the mid-90s that never actually came to full fruition to release anything viable. At the time we were rather unbalanced individuals that tended to rant and rave about genocide, life extinction and other rather unhappy and unattainable goals. However, due to various extenuating circumstances, the project was put on hiatus as RF and I went different directions around 97/98… (literally, we both moved).. It was not until 2007/08, almost 10 years later, when we both have settled into jobs that actually allow us to survive that the ideals of TGH were reborn, albeit we are now fueled more by bitterness then outright anger….

2. The members are across the country is it hard to make the project work.

B. – It is definitely not easy… I really, really miss having practice and creation all in the same dumpster … Luckily we both have real jobs (unlike 97) and we have a little more funds for this endeavor. This means that RF can handle guitar/bass/vocal/mixing/mastering on his side, and I have found a studio near my area of residence in Arizona that has a full acoustic (my acoustic kit is in Houston) that I can do basic recording on and forward all the tracks to him so that mixing/mastering can occur… As for practice and initial drum track creation, I have a full electronic kit (Hart Dynamics), that although beat-up does give an initial idea of how the drums are going to sound. We spend a lot of time sending tracks back and forth before RF finalizes them in the East Coast compound.

RF – It can be difficult, but then again if we lived ten minutes away from each other we wouldn’t get much done besides drinking and shit talking. Most of difficulties seem to arise from our inability to work at a faster pace. Technology makes things fairly easy to work on things long-distance.

3. Your working with Scattering to the Winds Productions are you happy with all there doing?

B. – I am hoping that SttW will slowly get in gear and start to copulate with other labels and bands and form a fetid alliance with those that have like-minded unhealthy thoughts. They are just starting out right now, so I realize not a whole lot has been done.

RF – Scattered to the Winds is our own personal record label. So far the plan is to release all of our own projects (we have three or four of them) on the label as well as other bands that we are able to sign. Currently In Death I Become are recording their third full-length album and it should be out this summer. We have a couple of other things that might pan out and be released. Time will tell. It is an expensive and time consuming endeavor.

4. I see that you have a member of Bahimiron in the project has the helped get the name of TGH out there?

B – As the drummer for BAHIMIRON, I can’t really say. My band members (Grimlord, Krag, and JenOside) are all supportive of this project; so much is Grimlord that he asked us to do a split with his solo venture, Christ Dismembered (think NECROS CHRISTOS..).. that’s about as far as I’ve noticed any name association assisting.

RF – It is still early going yet so I am not sure about name association helping out. Ever Onwards… is for sale at Moribund and I seriously doubt it would be there without the name association. Other than that there isn’t much tangible evidence of it.

5. Your sound is filled with so much chaos and raw sounds. Is it hard to keep the production they way you want it?

B – The production has definitely been … difficult… RF will address this more, as he is the one that has spent the many hours trying to come up with our sound…

RF – We did all of the mixing and mastering ourselves and a good deal of the actual recording. I am learning as I go through trial and error (mostly error) so mistakes were made with Ever Onwards… . Still we are pleased with overall results and it is better than we thought we would be able to achieve. The basic elements of our sound and style are fairly easy to recognize and I think that it is relatively effective.

6. Do you call Towards Global Holocaust at Black metal project or is it more than that to the members?

B – For me personally I consider it Death Metal because we lyrically deal with mass elimination, genocide, murder and whole sale butchery heavily sprinkled napalm and other such fire born attacks assaults – mind you now, neither RF or myself are actively participating in any of these activities… And to this point, neither religion nor politics has ventured, or at least from me, will not venture into this project. RF has final say in the matter, as he is the Kommandant of this assault, but we’ve known each other 10+ years and have settled on the lyrical content as such.

That being said, there are no “hail Satan’s” etc in our assault; our musical approach, so I’m told, seems to be akin to black metal in sound – that’s fine, as long as there’s a realization we are not satanic, nor do we deal with satanic themes, something I believe Black Metal should deal with – we are metaphorically engaged in mass-elimination of humanity; if that fits the satanic credo, then perhaps we can work in tandem; though from what I know of the Laveyians and others, they want to rid themselves of ‘religion’ and those who are ‘religious’. Unfortunately that may still leave undesirables on the planet… Which (the planet), by the way has to go as well...

RF – I do not consider towards global holocaust to be a black metal band. There are so many genres and sub-genres around these days that I have no idea where we fit in. I guess that we are a metal band that is content to shriek about the destruction of all life by means of War and Fire. Genocide world wide as it were.

7. Are there any Religious or Political agenda's to Towards Global Holocaust?

B. – think I answered that one above…

RF - RF – The destruction of all religions including but not limited to : monotheism, polytheism and various pagan/nature religions, believers in any form of reincarnation or afterlife, humanism taken to such extremes that man is a regarded as a god himself, the religion of science and assorted other religions such as Satanism in all of its guises and forms.

Destroying all life will take care of all political institutions and systems as well as getting rid of religion wholesale as it is rather difficult to have religions with no followers/believers.

8. Will there be any videos coming I think the music suits the video format?

RF - RF – I think that the video format would definitely suit some of our songs. I certainly want to have a video or two made, but I don’t know enough about cinematography and computer animation to do it yet. If we had money to burn we would have videos made for several of our songs and possibly a complete film where the videos for each song combine to tell a visual and musical story. If you know of a good animator that works cheap let or that wants to be the Minister of Propaganda in our movement let us know.

B. – Unknown – we briefly discussed this, but have yet to come up with any viable ideas as of this moment.

9. Is there a running theme on ever onwards?

B. – TGH has been a concept we’ve both been part of for 10 years; during that time we’ve run into hundreds of hindrances, personal failures, and a variety of other unmentionable and deplorable activities that have prevented us from still creating this vile abomination of this EP. what we’ve always stated though is ‘ever onwards’... more akin to perhaps those who are slogging through tough times in the trenches, when they get their feet blown off, shattered with shrapnel, and doused in napalm; though these are definitely difficult times, the standing order is attack until death, and thus moving ‘ever onwards’.. just the creation process of this EP ran into a lot of problems due to living in different states, recording, mixing and mastering issues; not to mention capability with instruments, lyrics, and then just working a regular job and not going on random shooting sprees when somebody pisses you off...

RF - RF – Yes there is. It is meant to be a brief (18-19 minutes or so) chronicle of the end of all life on the planet through a final war and massive amounts of fire. The song titles are supposed to illustrate this concept in conjunction with the music. Not sure if it succeeds or not.

10. Do you miss the old days of Print Fanzines, Demo tape trading or are you for the digital age (Myspace, Mp3s, Webzines etc)

B. – I personally miss tape trading a lot... Since I do a print fanzine, of which I am working on Wheresmyskin (Terror) Issue (9-) 11.. I don’t think I miss it… heh. It’s taken me more then 1 year to finish up issue 11, but very soon it will see the light of day… I do also like some facets of technology for music; getting to listen to a demo right away, or a track from a band, definitely fulfills that ‘need to have’ about music; but it also makes it a conduit for horrible shitty ignorant personnel who know nothing about anything to ‘create’ their shit and ‘spread it’, thus causing a large amount of hysterical laughter from the norms out there.

But I have ceased thinking about all the ‘orrible shit bands out there, and concentrate on the ones I like...

RF – I don’t really care, but then again I never was connected enough to trade tapes. There will always be those that are insincere regardless of what technology is available to disseminate information.

11. Will Towards Global Holocaust ever perform live or is it just a recording project?

B. – Again, we have discussed this as well; but we are currently limited on members... just the two of us... and pulling off the vocals would need one of us to do it full time... which means we’d need further recruits..

RF – We want to play shows and plan to eventually. We need to get another member or we will need to change elements of songs so that we can perform them as a two man unit. Maybe next year we will be able to play some shows in Texas or on the East Coast, schedules permitting of course.

12. What will the newer material sound like does it have the same feeling as I see a full length coming later in 2009??

B. – Newer material will definitely be in the same vein as the EP... be prepared for more maniacal vocals intermeshed with harmonic dissident dirges/spliced rather awkwardly with blasting snare attacks… Same lyrical approach to an extent, but we’ll definitely expand a bit more when it comes to the songs... RF has a lot of ideas concerning guitar work…

RF – The plan for new songs is to keep elements that work and expand on them as well as getting rid of things that are not as effective and broadening the scope of our fairly limited musical repertoire. The production and song writing should improve considerably while still maintain the raw, chaotic, and hate filled feel that we have now. We have a split with Christ Dismembered up next followed by a full-length by the end of the year. If we ever deviate too far from our stated purpose and sound with towards global holocaust, then we will come up with a new band name for that divergent material.

13. Any closing thoughts place here.

B. – Hails for the interview.

RF – Thanks for the review and the interview. Evers Onwards…Towards Global Holocaust. Genocide
