Sepulchral Voice Artist- SIJJIN Interview up
1. Tell us how this German Extreme Blackened ,Death,Thrash band came together?
: Well, I would prefer if you could label us as Death Metal, or Death Thrash, as I see no need by mentioning the “blackened” term here. Sorry for being so picky mate, but I live for Death Metal exclusively, haha. Ivan Henrnandez is playing drums also in NC, both of us binds a long friendship and musical challenge. Through Ivan, I got introduced to Ekaitz Garmendia, who is one of Ivan`s oldest comrades from Basque Country. When I first saw Ekaitz playing guitar, my jaws dropped, seriously. After years and growing friendship, we sealed an oath to do a band together as we always had the same musical tastes. I guess the rest is history.
2. This demo "Angel Of The Eastern Gate" is bettter than many full budgeted albums in sound and creation . Where did you record this and did the music or vocal themes come 1st?
: Thanks a lot for your words. We recorded the demo at Ekaitz` own studio named BlackStorm Studios in Karrantza, Basque Country. It lies isolated in the mountains and Ekaitz is not only a stunning guitar player, but also a fantastic engineer. We spent a week at his house, rehearsed our asses off and went for Death Metal 24/7.
3. How did you come to work with Sepulchral Voice for this Demo release and will there be a proper album coming as well?
: My affiliation with SVR needs no proper explanation anymore I guess, SVR always was THE label for NC. When I told Thomas (owner) about Sijjin, he was immediately interested and I see absolutely no reason why to end our long year collaboration. You better never change a winning team though.
We are working hard on new tracks and I am pretty confident that the first full length album shall be unleashed by SVR too somewhere in the future.
4. I hear elements of Kreator, Sodom, Celtic Frost and Possessed.. What bands have inspired SIJJIN?
: Morbid Angel, Possessed, Incubus, Nocturnus, Necrovore, Death, Sadus, Dark Angel, Insanity, Mortem, Sadistic Intent, Sodom, Kreator and Destruction.
5. How has the digital age change underground metal think like Youtube, Facebook, Soundcloud, bandcamp, Itunes, spotify and podcast?
: More than I can tolerate actually. Of course, we `re using bandcamp and Facebook as well as nearly every band does, but it should not be the only sources to build your band upon. Most important is, that the fans also buy the physical products as tapes, vinyl and CD`s, reading mags and buying fanzines, attending gigs and showing their strong support to the scene. So do I and after more than 30 years in Metal while being 44 years of age, I am still proud to belong to the fanatics for whom Metal is all and everything in life.
6. If you could make a proper video off any track on "Angel Of The Eastern Gate" which would it be and why ?
: Uff, I guess every member would have a different fave to mention. I guess mine would either be “Vorago of Adullam” or the title track. I know that Ivan would surely go for “Remnats of Cambrian Evil”, but I love the other two a little bit more due to their insane riffing, atmosphere and complexity.
7. How does the artwork play into the theme of "Angel Of The Eastern Gate"?
: Muchly, although I would prefer to let it speak for itself instead of explaining it.
8. How does SIJJIN differ live from studio and which do you prefer at the end of the day?
: Not much actually. You know, we recorded the demo tracks live, just overdubbing the 2nd rhythm guitar, solos and vocals. So what you can hear on “AOFTEG” are all full takes, non-cutted, which I am pretty proud of. Of course, the 2nd rhythm guitar will be missing live, but I will do my best to fill in with my bass. I guess, I prefer playing live, the studio work is great, but playing before a bunch of wild maniacs is the real deal if you ask me…and it is where Metal belongs to in the end.
9. Visuals and Image in 2020 seems to really go hand and hand with underground music today . With Images, Artwork etc in 5 works describe the band to someone that is about to listen to SIJJIN for the 1st time?
: I `m not sure if I got you right here, but I would prefer by keeping it rather unaffected and simple. Sijjin is Death Metal. And Death Metal is darkness, archaic might, power, violence and black magic. As hell is burning, so burns the flame of passion in Sijjin. Death by Metal!
10. If you could cover any song and make it SIJJIN song what song would that be and why?
: Uh, I can think of a lot of examples actually. Maybe I would go for “Lord of all Fevers and Plague” in the end, or “Chapel of Ghouls”.
11. The Retro 80's and 90's Extreme music sounds are very hand with the Demo . Was this very much the focus all along?
: Yes, indeed it was. We wanted to release a demo which could have been emerged out of the deepest 80ties Death Metal abyss and so we want to go for a record which will pulverize all modern influences to pieces.
12. Why do you think Tapes and Vinyl have become so special in the metal underground again?
: Because both are just perfect mediums for consuming music and after years of false trials and failures, people simply return to what serves best the glorious ways of Heavy Metal.
13. Thank you for the time any closing thoughts here.
: Thank you for the interview, much appreciated.
Hell is Sijjin
Sijjin is in Hell