New Reviews 8/27/2011

Thrall- Vermin to the earth-CD (Moribund Cult)
I think I just got the piss shivers from the opening of this releases. Moribund you have made another album of Avant Post Black metal with Jazzy and doom elements that just out done the next. Or I should say you found another band that just keep in the tradition of bands like the amazing Azrael , Code, DHG, Fen, Virus etc. Love the loose Jazzy free formed Noise elements with the Blackened throated vocals . The slow clean guitars mixed with that Black Doom guitar and bass tone and then out of no where Thrall goes to the blast beats and tears your soul apart. Ah and here it comes the melodic German thrash elements that just always works so well with black metal tones. This Duo from Down Under creates all that you want and more to give you what has been come to known as Thinking mans Black metal. We do not need to go much further into this review as by now you should already be craving to own this gem. If not then miss out on one of the better extreme music releases of 2011.

Alaric-S/T-CD (20 Buckspin)
So what do you get if you have ex members of Noothgrush, Dead and Gone and UK Subs in a group. Post Punk/ Post Metal glory. I can not stop listening to this . If your a fan of Killing Joke, Grinch, Cop shoot Cop or Swans then this is a much own, have , covet and so so much more. This is a hypnotic, crawling and doomish quality to all that is going on is the 80/90's No wave Punk sound going on. This is were the true crust sound came from. Alaric is all thinks the early 90's underground punk / Industrial movement was trying to create. I'm just in awe of this Dark and Foreboding unit. There are strong moments of bands like The Mission, Peter Murphy and what Murder Inc were doing at those times as well. This could very well as be on Young Gods, Prank or Invisible labels ... I want to see this band live as their music and vocals are actually changing the way I think about listening and making music.. I miss bands like this where the music and arrangements really matter to the over all tone and mood of the music. One final other artist that comes to mind when listen to this is Lycia.... So you know Alaric are in good company...

BAHIMIRON- Rebel Hymns of the left handed terror-CD (Moribund Cult)
So this Texas/ Arizona Blackened Noise Unit is up to no good again and for a 2nd time on the mighty Moribund. If you black metal raw dirty and full of punk and thrash element then this going to please you greatly. Every time I have listened to this album which is 3 now . I hear an Early Slayer and Sodom element going on with so much conviction I swear it had to influence Bahimiron.. The Beauty to this release is the chaos and industrial production that it was set under. Someone has listened to bands like Vondor, MZ412 and Beherit a lot as it comes very across in the way the album is presented. I want my Black metal full of Fury, Hate and Noise and with this their 3rd proper full length its all there. Keep the fire of bands like Bathory, Hellhammer and Venom alive and infecting the next generations of this Blackened musical sickeness. Horns up and Crosses Down...

The Body & Brave Young- Nothing Passes-CD (At A Loss)
Doom, Drone, Noise Rock and Post Rock are all going on in this collab hardcore by these two projects in one cohesive unit. It ebbs and flows starts out slow and builds to a wall of sonic joy. Almost reminds me of what bands like Russian Circles and Isis are and were creating. Its have such a Jesu feeling to what is going on. You can feel the passion and power in what is being presented here. The low end is king here and towards then end of the 2nd track the maddening vocals and full on Doom elements come out to smack you where you stand. Damn this is a heavy release. Make we think of bands like Khanate in the way its present with the doom elements and vocals. With Nothing Passes there is a Drone/Bleak ambient noise the fills the release like a layer or warmth through out and I never lets you rest . Its really creepy at times with the haunting melodies that fade in and out as well. Live this must be more then words can express. I hope get to see them as there touring in support of this amazing release. Check it out this will not disappoint.