New Reviews 8/20/2011

Prurient- Bermuda Drain-CD (Hydra Head)
So Dom I've known you on and off for yrs... And we have even performed on shows together in that time and I have to say this is the oddest Prurient I've heard yet. It sound like a Electro Prog /Glitch album of weird demos someone like Sebadoh would have made??? Were is the walls of Noise and Power electronic that made you a one man wall of fucking pissed off. I hate to say it sound like a techno black metal demo??? When did you fall in love with Kraftwork and Devo so much??.. All these Question marks are full of confusion. I Don't hate it but it should be under another name not Prurient.. Dom is this you idea of an approach at a more mainstream Prurient album is so please for the fans out there if you want to do this then split it up into two projects please. I need the mind numbing feedback and roars of vocal madness for 2-4 mins in front of a wall of amps. Ok Enough Said...

Nociceptor- Among Incests-CD (Pivitol Rockordings)
Tech Thrash metal with a strong Melodic Death element.. If Messhugah and Strapping Young lads formed a supergroup it would sound like this to me. Good God Damn this band is heavy as all can be. The vocals so from clean classic prog metal to full on Devin Townsend worship. Nociceptor is a war machine of musical madness. The Thrashing Breakdowns make me want to listen to Machine Head and Exodus now as well. There is a Signal Threat member in this band as well so the Tech side of things makes a bit more sense. This is just a killer metal album that will make you remember what the late 80's/ early 90's extreme thrash movement as all about .... Get this or miss out.

Anubis Gate- S/T-CD (Nightmare Records)
What is it with Prog Power metal that wins me over so much is it the synths mixed with crushing guitar leads and harmonic vocals. I don't all I know is Nightmare records has more then a few talented as hell bands. If you could mix bands like Styx, Journey with Blind Guardian, Queensryche and Iced Earth you would have Anubis Gate. with there self titled release you even have some amazing hard rock elements of bands like Dokken, Skid Row and American Angel going on in they way they use the melody an play it to a pop style without making them a full on pop band. Anubis Gate are just down right catchy in the way the present the songs and tracks. Again you have to like this style and if the syrup like production does you in then so be it. All I can say is winner winner chicken dinner...

Myrath- Tales of the sands-CD (Nightmare Records)
Wow all I can really start with is wow. If you like bands like Orphand Land, Amorphis and Arkan mixed with Full on Sci fi Prog metal bands Ayreon, Oxiplegatz, Devin Townsend and Yes all into one band that spans as much talent and eastern an oriental elements then you have it close but they love prog rock so very much as well. Myrath is a band you are going to be in awe of or loath the moment you hear it . Its for a select group of fans that become very passionate on these bands. The production sounds like an army of musicians are performing on it. The artwork is 2nd to none as well. Myrath has it all in one package age for me. The vocals are very clean and power/prog metal I must warn you upfront very in the Ayreon way. This band is from Tunisia a land in the North Africa and there music show elements of that sound very much so. Please give this band a chance as they can be a major force in the heavy music world..

Atriarch- Forever The End -CD (Seventh Rule)
What I get from this 4 song event is a a Blackened Doom album that has many occult elements going on. If you could mix bands like Dolorian, Type O Negative, Watain and Nightbringer all into one project this is something very close to what I feel. With all the atmosphere going on its very slow and lumbering but very powerful and eerie all at the same time. It has the flanged out Bass tone that bands like Ras Algethi and Thergothon loved to use and its what makes it so damn appealing to me. Atriarch sound other worldly most of the time and surprise there from the American North West... Were the most creative of experimental metal bands are presenting themselves from. " Forever the end" needs to be heard to be understood. The power is in the complete package of this band.. They will leave you terrified or wanting and needing more like a musical drug....
Plagues-Promo -CD (Self Released)
So I picked this up at Power of the Riff in LA ... They opened the fest and were a super impressive mix of Post Hardcore, Power Violence and Grind all in a Sludge like Crust stew. If you like bands like Sour Vein, Buzzoven mixed with Born Against and Deadguy then this is for you. It reminds me of the days when Slap A Ham and Amrep were releasing pissed off Hardcore bands. Plagues remind me a lot of Bloodlet and Integrity .. For a Promo this 7 song slug fest is produced and recorded very well. Were an indie label could release it just as is. Southern Lord I think you may have found a new band to press and promote.. If not I can tell you At A Loss or Hydra Head you could make them a welcome offer. There is a sickened melody to all of this as well mix in with the glorious feedback and raw punk/hardcore DIY elements going on. Plagues 7 songs is not enough I need more and now.... There are moments I swear I'm listening to OXBOW or ENABLERS in the jazzy noise rock elements come out. Then in 60 seconds the full on wall of anger comes at you.. We need more bands like Plagues they are the future of any underground extreme Hardcore scene...