Experimental Music Review Edition 9/29/2013
The Floating World- The Wood Beyond the world-CD/ Digital ( Cyclic Law)
Do any of you remember Mandible Chatter
or Shinjuku Thief as both these projects remind me very much of
The Floating World . A mix of Oriental Ambience, Guitar
experimentalism with drift and droning backdrops. This is an artist
journey through what you hear in your life time. It sounds like the
seasons as they change as you travel from the country to the
city . As the child grows into an adult . The Floating World is about
the time you spend listening to everything around you not what people
are telling you it should sound like. The release at hand sounds like
a massive undertaking as The Floating World has so many layers. This
is what you should call Ethno Experimental Ambient and it has
all that and so much more. I would say it has much in common with
Maeror Tri as well. If you get where I'm going with this style of
music its a must have just for the fragile beauty and darkness it
sums all together on this release.
Taphephobia- S/t- CD/ Digital ( Greytone)
Post Industrial Neo Orchestral wonderment from a aural artist out of Norway this seems to be their 2nd release for this project. It is very guitar experimentation like House of Low Culture or Trial of the bow. Taphephobia is an emotionally draining releases and it build and seeps through the speakers getting more and more sonic then its waves crash and it starts building again into yet another journey. There are a very eastern musical element going on through out this as well in the same way bands like Rapoon create . You need to love the manipulation of sounds and tones to really understand a release of this availability. This is modern classical music and years from now this will be come music of the highest order. I love seen event with projects like this as normally they are as visual as they are powerful. Listen to what is going on here and traveler from another world hear as thye travel through time and space. This self titled release brings the Past, Present and Future all together in one brilliant release.
Vortex- Kali Yuga- CD/ Digital ( Cyclic Law)
Something I very familiar with Vortex is covering the Dark blackened ritual age of India called Kali Yuga. My project As All Die recorded a few tracks about this as well. With Vortex we are more of a avant ambient, dark industrial and minimalist neoclassic vibe going on were elements of Sanctum, Robert Rich, Vidna Obmana and even elements of bands like Rajna and Dead can dance are going on this album. There is a very percussive movement going on as this is as ritual and it is theater in the way Vortex is presenting the complete release. If you have had a chance to hear any of Karl Sanders ( of Metal Band Nile) this is very much what you hear Oriental/ Far east ambiance in a very sinister manner is the best way to describe what is going on as a complete picture. Vortex is chilling in all the right ways and you need to hear it just once to understand what excellent experimental music really is.

Paavoharju- Joko sinä tulet
tänne alas tai minä nousen sinne - CD/ Digital ( Svart
This one of the most odd and straight out bizzare and wonderful releases I have heard in years. If you can mix When, Devil Doll, Mr Bungle, Bogus Blimp and 3rd and the Mortal into one project you have something remotely close to Paavoharju. Cut up tracks with oddly effected and speed changed guitars and drums. Waves of background effects , Female choir and opera vocals with spoke male vocals and chants all in Finnish to say the least. I just love this release and need to hear more bu Svart over the years as become one of my favorite labels hands down they have taken over were Jester records was so powerfully leading the Avant / Outsider music scene. There are even break beats and free form Jazzy urban elements here. I can not with a review really say where this band is going . There are many Trip hop bands that only dream to be this original as well. Mike Patton you should check them out and get an album out on Ipecac asap as this would be a band that would rock your world sir. This release will be playing for a very long time with this reviewer its just so damn interesting and so much talent going on here. I need to get their two earlier releases now as well.

Aseptic Void- Psychosis- CD / Digital ( Cryo Chamber)
Ah Black Ambient movements with some good Dark Industrial elements thrown in to make the release all the more terrifying and nightmarish and with this Aseptic Void has created just what that wanted a band that is in the similar world as projects like Profane Grace and the mighty and best of the genre period Kerovnian. Psychosis is built of sorrow, pain, sadness and suicides. Aseptic Void has that early Aghast and MZ412 CMI vibe going on as well. As if the spirit world at 1st is actually answering the Ouija Board honestly and then you come to find they are telling what they need to possess you and bring the next dark age upon the world. Aseptic Void will not be for all but if you like your Ambience Bleak , Cold and filled with the Horror of a world you may never see till death then this is a must listen for fan of Old Cold Meat, Cold Spring and Dark Vinyl releases. I miss projects like this glad Cryo Chamber did as well.