AJNA OFFENSIVE Artist Head of the Demon Interview is up

<br />Head of the Demon - Head of the Demon

Head of the Demon - Logo

answered by konstantin
Konstantin Papavassilou

 1. Tell  us how this fuzzed out retro doom blackend force came to be?

- I had the idea of doing something that hadn't been heard before. Where I wanted to mix all the musical tastes I have into one channel. The common denominator for all of them being that it is dark. Regardless of if it is electronica, metal, blues, rock etc... I called up the drummer and tried to explain the idea which wasn't and still isn't easy, but he was up for it. So we started rehearsing in the shadows, keeping a very low profile and not talking too much about it. The vision slowly manifested with time and a lot of experimentation until it was a finished record on its way to the pressing plant. But please, don't call it retro. There's nothing retro about it or what we aim for. It might be old school but in a new way. Atleast I know of no other bands that sound in the vein that we do.

2. There is a strong eastern element mix with occult vibe going on . Were do the beliefs of the members stand?

- Beliefs are nothing that I feel interested in discussing. There is no reason for it as far as I see. But the occident has for a long time viewed the orient as a cradle for magical knowledge. As well as having a mystical quality to it in itself.

3. How did you come to work with Ajna Offensive?

- I've known Tyler for quite some time by now. And when we were done in the studio and had some samples I sent him one. He was taken by it so I sent him the entire album. A day after he wrote me back and was interested in releasing it and from there we started our co-operation. By that time however the album was more or less at the vinyl plant ready for pressing. So the LP is released by the band and the CD-version, that also features an extra song that didn't make it on the vinyl due to time shortage, is released by Ajna Offensive.

4. The artwork for your debut seems to be a mix of a manticore, dragon and demon all in one. How does is play with the theme of the album?

- It is the artists interpretation of the mythical beast Chimera. Today the word chimera is used for apparitions within psychology if I am not totally mistaken. And both its mythological as well as its psychological function serves well to the worlds we have tried to picture through the music.
5. You have a strong doom death mixed with bands like sabbath, st vitus and ancient wistdom all mixed.there is almost an otherworldly feeling to music mixed with the grim blackened vocals and the errie chants and wwhispers.  Is this the sound over time or since day one?
- I am glad to hear you call the music otherwordly. We did aim for it but when we started rehearsing it sounded way different. With ultra distorted and downtuned guitars. However, we were following a vision when we rehearsed and reached it by experimenting our way there. So it was the vision from the start, but we reached it over time.

6. Will  Head of the demon be touring or is this a studio creation only?

- I think it is too early to say anything about touring yet. We've discussed the idea of playing live eventually. But as it looks now we are two persons short for that. Which of course hinders it. So we are currently focusing on writing some new material and see where it will take us.

7.What are the members of Head of the demon curently listening to and are there any lesser known artists that are impressing you as of late?
- Reveal from Sweden was a really great surprise for me.

8. Sweden for yrs has been a hot bed of extreme underground music .. Is this still true or are Head of the demon becoming on and more a rarity in the music scene?

- I think it is still true. But there's also plenty of copy cat bands that get attention as "superb". It is however very inspiring to live in a country where there is such creativity within the sub genres.

9. If you could create a video for one of your track which would it be and what elements would it have?

- My first thought goes to Phantasmagoria because it is so monotonous and hypnotic. I am a big fan of surreal and art movies like Invocation of my Daemon brother, Lucifer Rising, Holy Mountain, El Topo, Valeries week of wonders etc... so a video in this fashion would certainly satisfy me. But just like I put my trust in a co-musician to intrpret and play the riffs and songs. So I would with a video artist to add the right elements. They would pretty much have free hands IF they got the essence of the music.

10. Are the members fans of the digtial music and media age or do you miss physical releases and media as primary tools to spread the music?

- Fans is a strong word. But that it serves its purpose I would agree on. I missed physical releases way more some years ago when there wasn't as much focus on vinyls as there is today. It serves a very good purpose when it comes to getting hold of old demo cassettes or spiritual music from the 70's India and the likes. But I personally always get a proper release if I fully enjoy an album. Even if I initially only have a digital version.

11. I know some of you have other projects if you want expose them to our readers a well please do so..

- Nope. Head of the Demons stands and will stand on its own legs. No matter who will be involved or what prior musical history the person has.

12.  On the modern age again is social media the best promotional tool out there for smaller indie bands?

- Don't know if it is the best but certainly an aid. However, the best promotional tool when I come to think about it is a good band with strong songs. If they are strong enough you hardly need any promotion at all. It'll reach its audience mouth by mouth eventually.

13. Thanks for the time any closing thoughts here.
- If you are up for something different enter the labyrinths of Head of the Demon.
