Sorgeldom Interview up...
1. Tell us about Sorgeldom as most of us have never heard of you before?
Jodöden: Well, I had another band in another town before but it fell apart and
I felt that a project of my own was the right thing to do at that time.
Mostley acoustic stuff. Later on I found two people that had the same
visions as I and that also had the musical skills needed. So thats a small
version of the past and now it is our future, I dont know what to say really, I
think we need some more years.
2. Your sound is a mix of Black metal, Post Rock and Jazz has Sorgeldom always has this sound or have you come to it over time?
Jodöden: We all like different kinds of music and as a result the music gets more widen.
Also we feel that we want do do something new but ofcourse it is very hard these days.
So yes, it went from acoustic stuff to a blend of alot of genres.
3. From listening to Inner Receivings I hear a very occult over tone. Does the occult play a role in your music?
Jodöden: The occult is a very interesting aspect of our music and lyrics but we are not
a religous band in any form, we simply write about the inner demons, and the occult lands
of our minds.
4. Nordvis is a label that is new to me how did you come to work with them?
Jodöden: Nordvis has some bands of their own and they needed a local drummer for one
of those bands, so they contacted us and one thing lead to another.
5. Does your debut sound similar to Inner Recievings?
Jodöden: Well it depends on how you define them, in my opinion there is alot of
similar things going on on both of them, both lyrics-wise and music-wise.
But I guess that people that dont play any instruments themselfs might say that
the both albums differ alot, wich they do but not as much as other might say.
6. Sorgeldom being from Sweden a major home for extreme metal and the blackened arts. What are the bands that influenced the band ?
Jodöden: The first black metal band from sweden that influenced me was Armagedda.
And after that I listen to more and more of the bands sweden has to offer but I must say
that we are not influenced by Opeth as many reviewers think and say. For now
we are influenced by everything and nothing at the same time. We try not to listen
to any music when we are in the creating process beacuse we want to get influenced by ourselfs.
7. Is the live performances of Sorgeldom very different from the albums?
Dr Sundén: As we have not yet performed any live show we can't answer that question more than that we would like to do something more special when we start perform live shows.
8. Whats your thoughts on Corpse paint vs non corpse paint in Black metal?
Dr Sundén: Nowdays I dislike corpse paint within the Black Metal scene, I can't see any real meaning with it anymore. But back in the 90s it was different when it was more mystique and less bands in the scene.
9. Do you think the digital age of mp3s, internet radio/ webzine are a good or bad thing for underground music?
Dr Sundén: Both good and bad. Good in the way that you more easy can discover new bands. But a bad thing with digital music files for me personally is that special feeling you get by posses a record on fyscial format gets lost.
10. I'm asking some of the bands as of late whats your thoughts on bands like Burzum making black metal after getting out of prison do you feel the same magic is there?
Dr Sundén: Maybe not the same magic as before. But Burzum did a great combeack record comapring to other bands that dissapered from the scene and later made a comeback.
11. You seem to only have a myspace page do you feel bands really on need these in this day and age?
Jodöden: Yes, I dont know really, maybe not but we are not planning on leaving the myspace
12. Does the art work on Inner Receivings hold a special meaning to the music and lyrics on the release?
Jodöden: It sure does, it is well connected. Understandable or not, the art is a part
of our visions.
Dr Sundén: The lyrics on Inner Receivings are mainly about schizophrenia, dreams, illusion, and other physoloigcal subjects.
13. Thank you for the time any closing thoughts here?
Jodöden: Thanks! Well stay tuned for upcoming albums!